Archives for category: Facebook Application

facebookFacebook is the world largest social media platform used by millions of people across the globe which covers over 30% revenue of the social media sites and it has captured over 3 billion users. Applications are the most prominent feature of Facebook which make it so popular and well accepted among the user. Application hosted in the Fan page increases the users to engage in activities like collecting feedbacks, sending virtual gifts, sharing content, playing games and much more this will help the business to get a wide reach and popularity.Facebook apps is not much expensive all you need is to find the best Facebook apps development company rather than choosing a freelancer. SOD Technology is the best in the field of FB apps development and has exertise in developing enormous user engaging Facebook apps and games. Contact us to get a free quote.



Business promotions through Facebook is not a new concept, many popular brands have already achieved the targeted audience for them. Lot of businesses are making huge amount by the interactive apps on Facebook for influx of users. User engagement ratio for Facebook games is comparatively higher than other user interactive apps. It would be very hard to find the Facebook user who is not aware famous game “Farm Villa”. Over 30 million people who are using this app, one user generates an average of $20 on a monthly basis. Like wise most of the user engaging apps generate the revenue like this. Looking for Facebook gameĀ  development creating an user engaging apps please contact us for a Free Quote.